For near fields the user can select electric or magnetic fields, as well as the co-ordinate system (rectangular, spherical, or points along a line whose end-points are defined in a Cartesian co-ordinate system). The co-ordinate values and the number of points (again including both ends) must be typed in.
In the case of radiation patterns either spherical or cylindrical co-ordinates can be selected. Further options allow the user to specify power or directive gain, and whether major and minor or vertical and horizontal axes gain must be computed. If the Show button is clicked the graph is automatically zoomed out in such a way that the entire radiation pattern falls inside the Graph Window. If a cylindrical co-ordinate system is used, the user must specify the ``Rho'' value. (The code will not accept a zero value in this case.) For spherical co-ordinates the ``Radius to fieldpoint'' value can be left zero. This would result in the ejkr/r term being suppressed in the NEC calculations. The observation points will be displayed at a default radius in the Graph Window. If a value of r is specified for spherical co-ordinates, the user must ensure that the observation points do lie in the far-field.